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No gay doesn’t know about double penetration or DP. Gay double penetration, as an obvious label, involves having two dicks inside you at the same time. It might sound intense— and it is— but with the right prepping, you’ll be in for a memorable sexual adventure. Now, let’s clear up a common misconception— DP is not sexual abuse. Nor is it about endurance or pain. DP is about pleasure, connection, and trust. There’s not much to tell the penetrator (dom) in DP (because you know, they’ll just do the thrusting). So, this guide focuses on you, as the sub (or the one who will be penetrated). Ready?


The first step is to prep everything.

Prepare Yourself: Body and Mind

Getting into the right mindset and understanding what you’re getting into can be boring, but crucial. It’s not good to skip this step just because you’re itching to have two huge cocks inside of you!

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● Go watch gay DP videos and see what you’re about against. It’s like watching game tapes before a big match. Pay attention to positions, techniques, and how the players interact. Though porn videos are mainly to get you to cum, they’re also visual roadmaps to help with your DP virgin nerves.

● Stretch and clean yourself. I mean, this is a given, right? When I say “stretch,” I mean both your body and your hole. But…

● If you’re not ready for the real thing yet, make do with dildos. If you’re aware of your dom/s sizes, try to match that with two dildos. It’s like a practice run. But don’t get too hung up on the size. Starting with smaller dildos is perfectly A-OK! Plus, hey doms love gay subs with a tight hole.

How can you do gay double penetration when there’s static between you and your partner/s? Be candid with your chats. This is repetitive in all my articles but please go over your limits, boundaries, and of course, safe words or gestures.

Prepare the Tools

fetish tools

Now, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of the tools you’ll need. Consider this your DP toolkit checklist.

● Always have condoms and lube within reach. Do you plan a long DP sash? Go for silicone-based lubes. They don’t dry out and last longer. On the flip side, water-based lube is simpler to clean up. Just go have both— you’ll be able to use them either way.

● Even if your partners are taking the lead on the supply prep, there’s no harm in double-checking if they’ve got the setup ready.

Techniques and Positions

After putting yourself together (mentally and physically), it’s now time to choose what gay double penetration position/s is/are best for your expertise level.

Positions for Beginners

kink fuck position

1. Side-by-Side Spooning: Imagine lying on your side, cuddled up closely with one partner behind you, who begins penetration. Meanwhile, you can spoon your other dom who’s facing you.

  • This position is excellent for easy thrust control. I’m talking ’bout the depth and speed— all while maintaining comfort. Plus hey, this one’s a very intimate position where you get to feel every ridge and curve of your doms’ washboard abs (or beer belly if you’re into that!).
  • The main hiccup here is coordination. Both of your doms need to be in sync to make this work smoothly.

2. The Double Spoon: Picture yourself sandwiched between two Adonises, both spooning you from behind. It’s like a cozy cuddle fest, with your ass cuddling both of their lengths.

double spoon

  • Double spooning is intimate and comforting. You get the feeling of being supported by both partners, physically and emotionally after a sub-drop. (Don’t know what a sub-drop is? Check out BDSM 101).
  • While it’s a beautiful position, the movement is restricted for your doms. It’s also physically taxing— it’s literally a balancing act.

3. Cowboy: Yeehaw! You get to be the cowboy on your horses. You ride Dom 1 while he lies on his back. Dom 2 enters you from behind. You’re in the driver’s seat here.

cowboy gay sex

  • The pro? Total control over the intensity and speed from your side. You call the shots!
  • The con is it requires good balance and a bit of flexibility. It might take a few tries to get completely comfortable with The Cowboy— but it’s well worth it!

Advanced Positions

1. Missionary (The Sandwich): You’re the chicken in a McCrispy Chicken Sandwich in here. One partner takes you from the top while the other penetrates from the bottom. Go limp or pretend to struggle— every movement will be bliss!

  • The depth of penetration is usually greater. Plus, you can maintain eye contact with the top partner.
  • If there are significant size differences between partners, this position can be a bit tricky.

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2. The Presenter: This is where Dom 1 pulls you up by the legs and presents you to Dom 2.  Dom 1 takes you from behind while Dom 2 squeezes himself in. Feel free to give Dom 2 a nice, tight hug for support.

  • This position is fantastic for close contact and easy communication. You can whisper sweet nothings or give directions without losing the moment.
  • Dom 1 should be Olympia or The Hulk in terms of strength.


You’re prepped, and know the best position, all that’s left is translating that preparation and knowledge into reality!

Starting Slow

In gay double penetration, no matter how excited you are, never ask for instant penetration. You don’t want to rush this part— unless you want to risk tearing. Let Dom 1 get settled in first. Once you’re feeling comfortable and everything’s feeling good, tell Dom 2 he’s granted entrance. Slow and steady really wins the race here.

Finding the Right Rhythm

About finding that sweet spot in gay double penetration rhythm— synchronicity isn’t just nice to hear, it’s crucial to do. It’ll take a bit of trial and error. But once you find a rhythm that works for all three of you, you’ll realize why many love beats.

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But this shouldn’t feel like a chore. All of you must enjoy the process together. So, keep paying attention to each other’s signals and be ready to adapt to what feels best. The more in tune you are with each other, the better it will be. Don’t worry if it takes time to nail it down— asses are not made to accommodate two cocks so readily.


After letting everything come undone— what’s next?

Discussion and Feedback

Okay, so after everything’s wrapped up, chat about how it all went. Think of it as a little debrief session. Grab a snack, get comfy, and just talk it out. What felt amazing? What could’ve been better?  Should Dom 1 and Dom 2 change positions next time?

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This isn’t about pointing fingers or nitpicking— although I believe anyone who did something bad during play should be called out. In general, feedback involves both the positives and the negatives, so don’t just list things you think your doms didn’t do well enough. The goal here is to have a better gay double penetration session the next time around.

Be honest, but not demanding or overbearing. No nagging too! Your doms should have time to reply to and talk just as much as you do. Keep things light and fun, yeah?


This part is just as crucial as the main event. Spend some quality time together. Cuddle up, have a chat, or just lie there in comfortable silence. This helps everyone feel good. Physically and mentally, you can rest.

gay aftercare

Here’s the deal, expect to have some physical aftereffects. A bit of soreness is totally normal— especially in the ass part. If things are a bit achy, treat yourself to a warm bath— it works wonders. Throw in some Epsom salts if you’ve got them. They’re great for sore muscles. Alternatively, soothing creams or gentle massages can do the trick too. The key is to listen to your body and give it the TLC it needs. I don’t suggest doing gay double penetration on two consecutive days either.


Trying out new sexual experiences, especially something as adventurous as gay double penetration, can be super rewarding if you, Dom 1, and Dom 2 go about it the right way. At the end of the day though, you have to do it with respect, clear communication, and a lot of care. You’ve got to make sure everyone’s comfortable and enjoying themselves!

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So, have those open, honest conversations with your doms. Talk about what you all want, your boundaries, and any concerns you might have. It can feel a bit awkward at first. But you should rather things be awkward to talk about than risk injuries or accidental coercion!

Here’s to reaching new levels of closeness and pleasure with your doms. Have fun, keep it safe, and enjoy every moment of this exciting play! Cheers to us exploring new pleasures and good luck to your bum!