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Your boy has been so busy lately. Why? Well, gay chastity has been eating up a lot of my schedule. What’s even better is that I had some of the wildest sex thanks to it. The first time I heard about gay chastity, I was like, “What the hell is this?” But after giving it a shot, I can honestly say it’s taken my bedroom game to a whole new level. Do you want to know how to do gay chastity right? Let me be your tour guide!

What’s Up with Chastity?

What do you know about chastity? I’m sure this one’s not what you think. After all, in gay chastity, it’s not about being “pure” or wanting to enter a monastery.


Nah, bro. What I’m going to talk about is gay chastity as in teasing and controlling your own desires. It’s like sitting in front of your fave juicy burger, and you’re so hungry. But can’t take a bite just yet! The wait makes that first bite taste like freaking heaven when you finally get to chomp down.

That’s the magic of chastity— it’s tension, it’s fulfilling a primal need, it’s— you get it.

Gay Chastity Can Make Your Sex Life Bangin

When you mess around with chastity, you’re turning yourself into a walking, talking volcano of sexual tension. The longer you keep everything on lockdown, the steamier and crazier things get.

When you finally let loose, it’s like a damn firework show in the bedroom (or outside, whatever your kink is). Boom! Boom! Plus, it’s a killer way to get closer to your partner.

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Setting Boundaries and Intentions

But before you go all in, you gotta set some ground rules. How long are you gonna stay chaste? Hopefully not until your balls go blue and shrivel, eh? What’s cool and what’s totally off-limits while you’re locked up?

You need to talk this out with your partner. Having this convo upfront makes everything way smoother and so much more fun. You need to know you’re in good hands. Literally and figuratively.

Choosing the Right Chastity Device

Alright, let’s talk toys. Cheap ties around your balls or cock can do the trick but if you’re itching for something more intense, you need to learn how to pick the right chastity cage.

Different Types (Cages, Belts, etc.)

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You’ve got a bunch of different types of devices: cages, belts, and even some fancy high-tech stuff. Don’t go for the shiniest or the cheapest!

  • Cages are by far the most popular. They’re like the Swiss Army knife of chastity devices. They come in various materials like plastic, metal, and silicone to choose from.
  • Plastic cock cage is lightweight and sneaky. So if you’re planning to cage yourself while flying, it’s easier to get through metal detectors.
  • Metal is hardcore and gives off that I-mean-business I also love its weight on my cock, but that’s a personal preference.
  • Silicone is comfy and flexible but you can cheat it. I mean, I can easily slip my soft penis through the gaps so there’s that. And I ain’t on the small side either.

How to Find the Perfect Fit

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Nailing the right fit is just like finding those perfect jeans that show off your booty and not squeeze your pearls.

You don’t want it too tight; you don’t want to squirm every time you walk. Too loose and you’ll slip out any minute so what’s the point? Measure your junk accurately, man— no guesswork here. Start with an adjustable option if you’re a newbie.

Tips for Comfort and Safety

I know you’ll get excited to try and run after your best orgasm yet but don’t wear the chastity device pretending to be an expert just yet. Don’t just go for a marathon out of the gate! Wear it around your room or house first. Get a feel for it. They’re like new shoes, you know?

Keep a close eye on how things are shaping up down there. I don’t mean your literal eye, I mean the overall feel of it— is there chafing? Can you wear it under your usual clothes? Those things. If anything starts to hurt or looks off, don’t man up— take it off! You wanna have fun, not end up in the ER! Unless there’s a hot gay nurse you want to see in there, don’t push through the pain!

Communication with Your Partner


Kind of a boring topic, even for me. But every uncommon sexual activity always needs to be talked about with your partner. If you’re planning to do it alone, still read this for next time!

Being Open and Honest About Your Desires

You might think it’s cool to just “go with the flow” with no words. Just actions. But no, more so if you’re new to this stuff. You don’t have to have a speech. Just lay it out there— tell your man what’s on your mind. Share why you’re curious about this whole chastity thing.

Just talk and be real. Chances are, he’s going to dig the fact that you’re being straight-up and not hiding stuff. Plus, who knows? They might totally be on the same page as you!

Setting Rules and Expectations

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Alright, so you’ve had the talk and he’s real cool with it. Sweet! Now it’s time to get down to the nitty-gritty— set some ground rules. How often are you guys going to check in with each other? What’s a-go and what’s a no-go? Sorting this stuff out upfront helps keep the vibe fun and chill.

Dealing with Fears and Doubts

It’s perfectly okay if you have doubts. Or you may have some fears. You’re not a Fear Factor contestant, you can be scared. That’s just part of the gig. Just talk it over with your man. No holding back. If something’s bugging you, spill the tea. And be there for each other, like partners in crime. Because you literally are.

Incorporating Chastity into Foreplay

Chastity is the main event in and of itself. But it’s more of a part of the gay foreplay squad.

Teasing and Denying for Ultimate Pleasure

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This is where things really start heating up, buddy. When it comes to foreplay, you’ll want to use everything you got— your hands, your mouth, maybe even toys. Drive each other absolutely bonkers! Keep cranking up that sexual tension without giving in all the way. Gay chastity is a delicious game of “almost there.”

Using Toys and Techniques to Ramp Up the Tension

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Here’s your chance to get hella creative with toys and techniques. Grab that vibrator, that dildo, or heck, even some harness to have something to hold on to. The whole idea is to make this buildup so intense that you can practically feel the electricity in the air. Don’t be afraid to experiment and see what gets both you and your man squirming.

Making the Most of the Buildup

This gay chastity thing should teach you to savor every single second. Every touch, every gasp— it’s all part of the experience. Enjoy that sweet agony of wanting and waiting. Let it fuel your desire and take things to a whole new level. This is the moment where you both realize just how much you crave that release.

The Big Release

Chase it, chase it, then hold back. Chase it, chase it, this time, let it all out!

Timing Your Release for Max Satisfaction

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Alright, buddy, we’re getting to the good part now. When it’s finally time to unlock and let loose, you got to make sure everything’s spot-on. Note that you can also skip the cage if you want to go au natural.

This is the grand finale— you don’t want to mess it up with bad timing. So, keep building up gradually. Let that anticipation just bubble over. Trust me, slow and steady wins the race here. Patience? It’s your best friend in this game. I’m telling you; the payoff is going to be massive. Like, mind-blowingly massive.

Being Patient and Enjoying the Process

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Seriously, don’t rush it. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for, so take your time and you’ll taste every friggin’ second. Picture it like the buildup to the best drop ever in your favorite song— it gets crazier and crazier the longer you wait, right? The slower you go, the wilder and more intense that release is going to be. Just hang in there!

Chastity = Best Orgasm Ever

Man, with all that tension you’ve built up, the orgasm is going to be next-level insane. There’s insane, then there’s next-level insane!

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Think of it as your body’s way of saying “thank you” for all that self-control and effort. When it finally hits, it’s going to be like fireworks, an epic reward for all that restraint. Every second of it, from the first spark to the final explosion, will be utterly mind-altering. So, enjoy it to the fullest, my friend. You’ve earned this.


Aftercare isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s crucial, alright? Once the deed’s done, you have to chill and check in on each other to make sure you’re both cool, emotionally and physically. This isn’t just about cuddles, though they’re awesome and all. Take the time to talk. 

Talk about everything— what rocked your world, what was kind of meh, and what crazy stuff you want to try next time.

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Planning Future Chastity Sessions

Okay, if you both had a blast (and I mean, why wouldn’t you?), start brainstorming your next chastity escapade. Keep it fresh and dope by shaking things up. New techniques, different toys, maybe even some wild scenarios— the sky’s the limit!


If you’re looking to mix things up, give gay chastity a shot. Just remember to communicate, set boundaries, and always prioritize comfort and consent. Now go forth and enjoy some of the most satisfying sex you’ll ever have!

Happy locking, fellas!