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One of the very first sexual experiments I did years ago (as a young gay teenager) was to self-edging. I didn’t do it consciously— I was practicing chastity! (Don’t ask me why.) Nonetheless, this accidental self-edging made my first gay orgasm all the more satisfying. So today, I’m here to share with you my personal gay edging tips. These tips are those I’ve learned through my years of being a gay man.

But first, let’s be clear: Edging isn’t just about prolonging pleasure. It’s also about mastering control and finding new heights of satisfaction. So whether you’re new to gay edging or looking to perfect your technique, you’re on the right page!

Why Try Gay Edging?

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If you’re still unsure if you want to try gay edging, let me list five reasons why you definitely should:

  • Heightened Pleasure: This one’s a no-brainer. When you edge, you’re essentially prolonging the build-up to your climax. This means that when you do finally let go, the explosion of pleasure is mind-blowing.
  • Better Control: Edging improves your control over your sexual responses. Over time, you learn how to manage your arousal levels. No more out-of-the-blue erections!
  • Increased Sensitivity: The more you edge, the more sensitive your body will become. By constantly bringing yourself to the brink, you’re training your body to respond more intensely to stimulation.
  • Exploring Sexual Limits: One of the coolest things about edging is the way it allows you to really explore the limits of your own pleasure. You get to see just how far you can take yourself before tipping over the edge.
  • Mental Discipline: Yep, edging can be a mental exercise too. Learning to hold back when you’re right on the edge takes a lot of focus and discipline— things that’ll help you in other areas of your life. But there’s also BDSM discipline, so win-win!

Gay Edging Alone vs. With a Partner

Should you do gay edging alone, or with a trusted partner? Let’s find out!


Some reasons why gay men may want to edge themselves:

  • Edging alone allows you to explore your own body and sexual responses without the pressure of a partner’s presence. This can lead to greater self-awareness and understanding of what works best for you.
  • When you’re edging solo, you have the freedom to take as much time as you need. There’s no rush or expectation. You can then fully immerse yourself, yeah?
  • Practicing edging on your own lets you develop better control over your arousal and orgasms.
  • Edging alone can be a great way to unwind and relieve stress. The act of focusing solely on your own pleasure can be incredibly relaxing.
  • Being alone gives you the opportunity to try different techniques, toys, or scenarios without feeling self-conscious. I recommend trying out chastity cages
  • Successfully managing your arousal levels on your own can boost your confidence in sexual situations.


  • You won’t have any feedback and miss out on another person’s touch and reactions.
  • It can become monotonous over time.
  • It can be easier to give in and finish early.
  • You can only explore limited Techniques. After all, you only have your own two hands!
  • The saddest part? No Aftercare. You’re responsible for your own comfort and clean-up.

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With a Partner

Let’s see the counterargument for doing gay edging with another human being:

  • The shared experience of alternating between heightened arousal and controlled release fosters a bond that strengthens your emotional and physical relationship.
  • Edging requires open, honest communication to ensure both partners are on the same page regarding comfort and pleasure. This practice can improve your overall communication skills.
  • Knowing that your partner can read your cues and vice versa creates a sense of safety and mutual respect.
  • Edging with a partner allows both individuals to explore and enjoy prolonged periods of arousal, leading to more intense and satisfying orgasms for both. It can turn into other shared sexual stimulations.
  • For those interested in power exchange or BDSM, edging allows partners to explore dominance and submission roles.
  • Including a partner in edging introduces new techniques, perspectives, and stimulations that a solo practice might lack.
  • With a partner, you have someone to provide support and aftercare, making the experience comprehensive and comforting.

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  • It can be tricky to coordinate your schedules.
  • You might end up worrying about pleasing your partner and not paying attention to yourself. This is incredibly distracting.
  • You might rely too much on your partner’s techniques.
  • You’ll have less freedom to explore personal fantasies.
  • It requires clear, ongoing communication.

10 Tips for the Best Gay Edging Experience

Here are my best tips for the best gay edging you’ll ever have!

1. Be Very Clean

be very clean

Clean Yourself: Before you start, make sure you’re squeaky clean. Take a shower, trim those pubes if that’s not your thing, and maybe even use a gentle soap to get everything fresh down there. You don’t have to be an edgelord to know that feeling clean will make you feel way more comfortable and focused on the fun.

Clean Your Bedroom: Extend that cleanliness to your sex dungeon or any play space. You don’t want distractions like dirty socks or leftover takeout containers cramping whatever it is you planned. Unless maybe you have a dirty socks kink?

Sterilize Any Tools/Props: If you’re using toys or props, make sure they’re sterilized. Knowing you’re not at risk of any infections will give you peace of mind— something you need so much of!

2. Learn How to Control Your Breathing

10 Tips for Making the Most of Gay Edging

Practice Breathing Exercises: Outside of your edging sessions, practice some basic breathing exercises. Deep, slow breaths can help you manage your arousal levels when you’re right on the edge. I also tried breathing techniques for singing, which helped. You won’t only be good at gay edging; you’ll also have a great voice! (Which comes in handy for moaning!)

Use Breathing During Play: When you’re in the heat of the moment, remember to focus on your breath. Slow, deep breaths can help you pull back when you need to and stay in control. It might take some practice, but it’ll make a big difference.

3. Spread Your Session Throughout the Day

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Mini-Sessions: You don’t have to do it all at once! Spread your gay edging sessions throughout the day. A little tease here, a little tease there. It builds anticipation for the main event!

Focus on the Number of Times: Instead of measuring by time, count the number of times you edge yourself. This will remind you that it’s not a marathon or a contest.

4. Don’t Get Frustrated

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Be in Your Feels: It’s totes normal to feel frustrated, especially when you’re holding back from finishing. Remind yourself why you’re doing this— to explore and discover a very different type of pleasure.

Be Kind to Yourself: You’re human, and sometimes your body has its own ideas. If you slip up or feel annoyed, don’t beat yourself up.

5. Do It with a Partner

Do it with a partner

Experienced Edging Dom: The best way to not stress yourself about gay edging is to entrust yourself to an experienced edging dom. He can guide you, push your limits, and make the experience more intense and satisfying.

Aftercare Included: He won’t only give you intense pleasure— he will also take care of you once you come down from the high. (AKA subdrop.)

6. Eat and Take Breaks

eat and take a gay break

Take Mindful Breaks: Edging is not fasting! Allow yourself to take breaks and eat something. Stepping away for a few minutes can actually heighten the excitement and keep you more focused.

Avoid Overthinking: Sometimes, the more you don’t think about it, the more you end up focused on it. Like when you’re on a diet, you’ll think about food twice as much. So relax, take breaks, and enjoy.

7. Go Stretch


Move Around: I know you may just want to lie there, but get up and move around. Stretching can help detangle knots and keep your body feeling good and ready for more.

Prevent Stiffness: Regular movement can prevent stiffness and make your next gay edging session even more enjoyable. Plus, it helps break up the monotony and keeps your energy up.

8. Clip Your Nails

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Nail Hygiene: Nail hygiene is super important, especially in gay sex and edging. Make sure your nails are clipped and your (or your dom’s) hands are clean.

No Sharp Natural or Fake Nails: The last thing you want is to scratch yourself or peel your foreskin with long or sharp nails. So if you love fake nails, ditch them in the meantime.

9. Don’t Stop Until You’re Really, Really, Really Close

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Hold Out: Push yourself to hold out as long as you can. The closer you get, the more intense your eventual orgasm will be.

Extra Seconds: When you think you can’t hold out any longer, try to push through for another 10 seconds. That extra bit of restraint can make a big difference in your experience.

10. Rest

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Don’t Overdo It: Especially if you’re new to edging, it can be tempting to try and break some kind of personal record. But rest is crucial. You don’t want to just drop there and not be able to get up, do you?

Long Rest: I mean it when I say rest— a long rest. Make sure you get a good night’s sleep and let your body recuperate. You won’t have the best edging experience if you’re running on empty.


Gay edging can be an incredible way to enhance your sexual pleasure and explore new depths of satisfaction. Whether you’re going solo or with a partner, these tips can help you make the most of every session. It’s all about finding what works for you and enjoying the ride. So go ahead, dive in, and discover new sensations in the world of gay edging!