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Into BDSM, rubber/latex, or transformation? It’s very likely that you may have come across the concept of “drones” and “dronification”.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

A basic summary of dronification would be the transformation of a person into a “drone”. A mindless, obedient entity. Focusing on themes of objectification, submission, and detachment from individuality.

We’ll be looking into the basic premise and aesthetics of dronification to begin with. Leading to an examination of the social and psychological aspects. All to provide a detailed understanding of what dronification is about for beginners. You might find yourself an obedient drone before you know it!

What Is Dronification?

The dronification process focuses on removing a drone’s humanity and individuality. The dronification “victim” is typically regarded as little more than a commercialised object. They will often be treated as a subservient robot, one of many identical copies.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

At most, they might have a unique serial number. But typically, any definitive features of the original victim will be completely erased. This will often also mean their thoughts, memories and name.

What Does A Drone Look Like?

There is a heavy emphasis on latex/rubber aesthetics for drones. Anything that makes the drone appear inorganic and completely covered.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Gas masks, helmets with digital visors, or just a mouth hole are also common in dronification. If it covers someone’s head completely and has a minimalistic design, then it’s a good candidate for a drone hood.

However, don’t let that stop you if you have more elaborate gear. Furries will typically want to incorporate animalistic elements in dronification. For example, silicone paws or animal masks.

What Common Elements Of Dronification Play Should I Expect?

Hypnosis, whilst not mandatory, is one of the most common elements of dronification. The soon-to-be drone will be hypnotised before its transformation into a drone. Or shortly afterward in some scenarios.


Loss of identity is a key theme behind dronification. So, hypnosis is the perfect gateway to achieving that!

If you want a popular reference for the idea of drones, “The Borg” from Star Trek provides an excellent example. They use concepts of assimilation and hiveminds with a technological focus. These also feature heavily in drone play as common themes.

Who Takes Charge Of Dronification?

Drones are commonly seen as being subservient and lacking independent thought. Therefore, they’re frequently seen with a dominant “programmer” controlling them.

Typically, this programmer will be human (or whatever species you prefer!). They’ll be in control of everything the dronification victim does. Be it mundane, such as housework, or something a bit more erotic. The drone must, and will, obey.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Depending on the scenario you’re going with, your programmer might also be a drone themselves. Or they may be acting on commands from a programmer not directly involved. Scenarios where a drone converts someone into another drone are also quite popular.

Why People Are Drawn To Dronification

We’ve mentioned furries and transformation a few times already. That’s because the appeal of dronification shares some overlap with these communities. Identity play, primarily.

Dronification allows an individual to become something completely different. Some people may want to transform into a more confident, ideal version of themselves. But others may take comfort in the concept of dronification. Thanks to its objectification and submission themes.

The act of dronification provides a complete detachment from individuality. They need not think for themselves or worry about any of the aspects of their old lives. This can be a great comfort for those with stressful lives or self-esteem issues.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

This lack of independent thought also helps with executive dysfunction, as the drone will obey any task issued to it. They will usually only be subservient to one individual. Completely dependent on them to function.

In a way, dronification is a form of resetting and stress relief for most people undergoing it. They have another self to embody. Allowing them to distance themselves from their problems. It may even help them do things they were unable to do previously.

The objectification aspect may also help them deal with life’s circumstances. Such as living in a stressful, work-focused society. Where it is incredibly hard to have an eventful life outside of work.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

There’s a twisted sense of comfort in taking this concept to its extreme. Embracing the idea of being seen as nothing more than a tool for someone to use on your terms. The joy of not having to think about how working makes you feel.

The lack of expressionism is a key theme of dronification. Yet, ironically, creative expression is one of the main appeals for people into it.

After all, drones can take on many different forms. You can easily customise how you want to look as a drone. Or force your drones to take on an appearance that appeals to your tastes.

Fittingly, the community itself can also be one of the main appeals to people. Part of that hivemind aspect may come from the desire to connect to people. They share the mutual sense of being outsiders to societal norms.

Dronification Gear: Latex, Drone Hoods, And More

We’ve covered the general concepts and appeal behind dronification. Why don’t we take a closer look at what gear you should be looking into if you want to try dronification in person?

Latex & Fetish Gear

Latex, rubber, or anything shiny and constricting are clear choices for dronification gear. The sleek, shiny appearance of these materials evokes something artificial or manufactured.

These materials are also useful in the sense that they grip tightly to a drone’s figure. All whilst still being able to conceal the appearance of the person wearing them. Therefore, drones will still be able to move and feel themselves being touched.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

It also helps that most full-body fetish gear will typically be black or at least one solid color. Therefore, multiple drones in identical gear will be near indistinguishable from each other. Playing into the assimilation side of dronification.

Of course, that shouldn’t stop you from wanting to add more gear if you desire. Harnesses also complement a drone’s appearance well. Want to make sure your drone stays by your side at all times? Why not give them a collar and a leash?

Drone Hoods (Masks)

Drone hoods or masks provide an easy way to completely obscure human facial features. Whilst also easier to take on and off than a full body suit. You will typically have a wider range of choices for the drone’s appearance to match your scenario, too.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Post apocalyptic setting? Why not try a gas mask? Dystopian cyber future? A hood with an LED screen might be more fitting. Even something like a helmet with animal ears on can change how your drone is perceived.

Daily vs. Fetish Wear

Unsure about dedicating yourself to buying expensive latex or other fetish gear? Why not startwith something like techwear or spandex?

Techwear, as the name implies, still gives off a futuristic, technology-inspired vibe. You can easily pair it with a paintball mask as a drone hood to give you a cheaper alternative. Giving off a more urban, cyberpunk feel.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Spandex can be bought as a full body suit if you want to stick to the skintight aesthetic. Whilst it lacks the shine, it’s also a more breathable option for drones that get claustrophobic.

You can even add other spandex clothing over your spandex suit if you desire. Do you have a singlet and a wrestling mask? You could become a wrestler drone obsessed with converting people into new challengers!

There’s nothing stopping you from being creative about your drones. Do you have a uniform of some kind? Add a suitable mask, and you’ve got a drone that specialises in a specific task.

Another benefit of these types of casual, looser options is the ability to wear them for casual use. Looking to keep your drone in character for prolonged periods of time? Ensure they only wear their techwear when they’re around you.

The Role Of Hypnosis In Dronification

As previously mentioned, hypnosis is a very prominent theme within dronification. We will be looking deeper into how hypnosis is used and how you can attempt to give it a go yourself in person!

How Is Hypnosis Used To Transform Someone Into A Drone?

A good drone is completely obedient and dedicated to its new role. Most commonly, this will be listening to the commands of their programmer. Hypnosis can be seen as a return to factory settings for a drone.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

This means that hypnosis erases any individuality a drone might have previously had. The drone can be shaped to fit whatever role their programmer has in mind for them. This effectively completes their dronification and removes any trace of their old self.

Hypnosis Techniques

Obviously, achieving hypnosis within an online roleplaying setting is incredibly easy. You don’t have to actually hypnotize your RP partner, just their character. Allowing for scenarios such as drone hoods hypnotising and initialising the dronification process.

Interested in trying dronification in reality, however? You’re likely wanting to keep things as realistic as possible. Here are a few hypnosis techniques for you to experiment with.


Hypnosis via spirals involves your drone staring at two, slowly rotating, intermingling spirals. These will be smaller towards the centre and bigger towards the edges of the screen. However, there are often variations depending on the type of hypnosis.

This will then be paired with “suggestions” provided by the programmer, whether they be pre-recorded or done in person. These suggestions help the drone steadily slip into the mindset of being a drone.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Typically, you should start simple, telling the drone to relax, to only focus on your voice. To only obey your voice. Before you start to slowly tell them to let go of their thoughts, feelings, and memories. Remind them they are an object. Consider this the “programming” of your drone.

It’s vital that you keep your drone in a state of calm and focus. If you are able to attempt spiral hypnosis in a dark, quiet room, this will allow your hypnosis to go a lot smoother.

Coercive Audio Tracks

Coercive audio focuses on using audio or speech for hypnosis. They’re designed to be inconspicuous and blend in so that the subject isn’t aware they’re being hypnotised.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

For example, sending drone-related videos that make mention of certain behaviours. Or music that has lyrics related to submission, drones, or robots. Anything that might linger in your future drone’s subconscious.

The only downside is this method takes a lot longer to work with for an effective hypnosis by itself. This technique is usually paired with other hypnosis methods to enhance their effectiveness.

Visual Stimuli

This technique is popular due to being versatile. You can adapt your approach depending on how far into your drone’s hypnosis process you are. Visual stimuli doesn’t always rely on only pictures and videos. Text also works and is often more effective than just using images alone.

Visual stimuli work by exposing your victim to frequent drone-related imagery. This process starts slow at first; in fact, you may already be doing this without realising it!

Casual, online conversations about dronification are typically how visual stimuli hypnosis starts. Posting the occasional example of drones, drone-related clothing, or dronification sequences.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Over time, this might be paired with text related to drones. Roleplaying a dronification scenario or teasing about their dronification are effective methods. It’s key that you keep your interactions frequent and drone-related as much as possible!

A few months after starting this process, make plans to meet in person. Then, either make or find a video that rapidly changes through drone-related imagery and text. You may want to use snippets of your own conversations for extra effectiveness.

Make sure to include lots of clips related to drone behavior. Make heavy use of words like “obey” and “submit”. Don’t be afraid to include less subtle phrases like “You are a drone”. Feel free to overlay text over drone-related imagery for extra effectiveness.

Then, when you have met up, present the video to your drone. Once again, a dark and quiet room would work best for this. Ensure they focus on the video and have the video on a loop. Minimal distractions provide for a more effective transformation!

Make sure your drone-related interactions are positive. This also applies if you intend to mistreat them as part of your dronification scenario. You want your drone to have positive associations with being a drone. Their mind is more susceptible to hypnosis this way.

Mental Effects Of Hypnosis

To ensure your drone’s hypnosis has been effective, you should check for the following. Dehumanisation, objectification, and mindlessness.

They shouldn’t respond to their name, only whatever you have decided to refer to them as. They shouldn’t identify as human. They definitely shouldn’t have any thoughts or feelings about their situation. Finally, they should obey anything you ask of them without hesitation.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

These effects can vary depending on the scenario you’re working with. But these will generally be the ideal results for effective dronification. If you feel it’s a little one-sided, you can always hypnotise them to find obeying you pleasurable.

Most importantly, make sure you have a way to snap your drone out of their hypnosis! Whether it be something as simple as a word, a noise, or a phrase, include this in your approach to hypnotism.

Exploring The Dronification Community

You may have taken an interest in dronification, but you don’t know anyone who shares your interest. Here are a few ways in which to get yourself assimilated.

Joining Communities

Like most hobbies, dronification has a large range of offline and online communities. If you live in a city with a large gay scene, local nightclubs will likely have an event related to drones. Or at least, latex/rubber events.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

These events or meets are often incredibly welcoming to newcomers. They will allow you to get some advice from those with experience. It’s a great way to determine if you actually want to try it yourself.

As for online communities, these are obviously easier to access. They’re less daunting if you’re uncomfortable jumping right into a room full of strangers. These include forums, private servers, and specialist websites such as HexCorp. Often, they have guides for newbies.

These online communities will have other people to talk to or roleplay with, too. You can easily reach out and find someone you share mutual drone-related interests with. You might even arrange to meet in person!

Online Resources & Art

Dronification is versatile as a concept. With that versatility come scenarios that are currently impossible to replicate in reality. These are often explored through art, writing, or photo editing as an alternative.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

You will find dronification community members on creator-focused sites as a result. Popular examples include DeviantArt, Reddit, and FurAffinity.

These sites are a great way to draw inspiration for your own dronification scenarios. They also allow you to express yourself if you find that trying dronification in person isn’t your thing.

Social Dynamics Of Dronification

Dronification is viewed as having extreme differences in power dynamics. More so than other kinks with sub/dom roles. A drone is a completely devoted sub. Whilst the programmer is a controlling dom. Though dominant drones aren’t unheard of!

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

If you’re going for a traditional approach, consider the social dynamics involved. You may want to consider how you and your programmer interact with the larger kink community. Not to mention each other within that space.

Ensure that you each understand the expectations of a drone in certain kink spaces, given the heavy themes of objectification and total obedience associated with them. Your programmer may take you to a bar, only for you to end up being used as a living sex toy, for example.

How To Start With Dronification

So you’ve decided dronification is something you’d like to try in person. How exactly do you start with absolutely no experience? Here are some tips for you to focus on to get you prepared for your first time!

Finding Your Inspiration

You may already know where your inspiration comes from, especially if you’re heavily considering attempting dronification. We would still recommend exploring sci-fi stories, movies, and art that feature drones.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

If something stands out to you, why not try to incorporate it into your dronification? Feel free to mix and match until you get something that caters to your interests.

Clothing & Gear

If you have a fetish gear retailer nearby, they will often be more than happy to let you try on certain pieces of gear. If not, simply being able to see fetish gear and drone hoods in person will help you establish what appeals to you.

Attending meets and seeing drone-related photography are also great options. This allows you to see drone attire on a person. You can always ask to try on some of their gear or drone hoods if you make friends!

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

If you’re well-versed in photo manipulation software, this is another option. You can always take a photo of yourself and edit gear over yourself to try and get a feel for how you want your drone to look.

Online mood boards are also a simple but effective way to gather inspiration. Especially helpful if you’re struggling to choose and need to see all your options in one place.

Hypnosis For Beginners

Hypnosis is by no means easy. It can be dangerous if used incorrectly, so if you feel uncomfortable with the idea of including it, simply don’t. Your preferences will be respected!

If you are eager to give it a try, we would recommend looking into academic resources. There are several science-backed books related to hypnotherapy out there.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Look up examples of smaller-scale hypnosis for yourself. There are several free, online hypnosis-related videos out there. If you find it works for you, try watching the video again, but take note of what techniques were used.

What was said? How was it said? Is there a certain timing you have to follow? Did they use multiple hypnosis techniques? You can always try and contact the person who made the video.

Experiment & Define Your Preferences

We’ve mentioned experimenting multiple times throughout this guide. That’s because it’s important that your dronification experience matches your tastes!

You’re allowed to be creative and deviate from the standards of dronification. There’s no “wrong” way to do it. Got a thing for superheroes? Why not become a superhero drone, if that’s your preference!

Building Drone Relationships

You’ve got your gear, but you’re missing a programmer to initiate your dronification. Or perhaps you’re looking to try dronification with more people? How do you build drone relationships and keep them going?

Finding A Partner

We mentioned meets and the online community earlier. These methods are easily the most effective way of finding a programmer. You already know that you have that shared interest in dronification.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

However, it doesn’t hurt to ask members of a community that you’re already a part of, either. Dronification may appeal to those who have an interest in other kinks, such as transformation, BDSM, or furries.

Communication In Relationships

True of every kink, communication is key. You and your programmer might have vastly different ideas about what you want to do. Before you commit to anything, it’s important that you discuss your preferences.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

Establish your boundaries. What do you consent to, and how do you want to approach consent after your dronification? Discuss what you will be doing before, during, and after your transformation.

Clear communication allows for a safe and enjoyable experience. If you encounter someone who doesn’t want to respect these boundaries, this is a huge red flag.

Developing Drone Roles

A majority of the time, you will have established your roles with your programmer before you meet. A lot of preparation goes into achieving effective dronification.

However, that doesn’t mean you have to do everything exactly the same way each time. You can always make changes to the scenario to suit a different type of drone.

Dronification 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Becoming a Drone

You may find that your programmer wants to have a go at becoming a drone, too. As long as you are discussing your preferences in advance, it should be easy to adjust your roles as needed.

If you’re firmly set on your role as a drone, consider bringing dronification into other areas of your life. In a relationship with your programmer? You might find it exciting to have them turn you into a drone after work.


We hope this guide has helped you consider trying dronification for yourself! Whether it be as a programmer, a drone, or both.

Every individual’s experience of dronification is unique. It’s important to explore, experiment, and define your drone persona. Please don’t feel afraid to step away from it and change it up on occasion, either!

Ready to give dronification a try and ready to take the next step? We encourage you to reach out to your local and online communities. Check out some online resources, especially any recommended to you by the community.

You should also generally consider what dronification would mean to you. Consider the benefits, and think about if it is right for you. There’s no shame in deciding it isn’t!
Though, if you’re looking for a more immediate step into trying dronification, why don’t you put on this protogen mask for me?