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Ah, a manly chest of six and rock-hard abs. Who doesn’t want that? All physically attractive people have it, so it’s not a reach to dream of turning your chest into one!

But here’s the problem— not everyone has the time or the energy to spend endless hours at the gym. Does this mean they can never get their dream body?

In comes the magic of fake male chests!

Wait! Here’s another issue— a fake male chest can look— you guessed it— fake! As a cosplayer, I’m already used to working with fake male chests.

It took me a lot of trial and error to go around the issues of obvious artificial muscles, but I’m not one to gatekeep!

So stick with me through this guide. I promise that by the end of it, you’ll have the knowledge to create a natural-looking fake male chest that fits seamlessly into your life!

Understand Proportions

This first tip is grounded in reality and physics. The size and shape of your fake male chest should match you— not the other way around!

A chest that’s too big or too small will throw off your entire body proportions.

People will stare at you not because of your manly chest, but because something seems off.


Something seems physically impossible. Imagine the Bratz doll in real life.

If they keep those big heads and teeny-tiny bodies, they won’t be able to take a step and just d-word right there.

Having the right proportions makes the illusion instantly acceptable.

People won’t ask questions because nothing seems wrong.


You need to have everyone think nothing is different.

That’s the whole point of making something look natural!

It’ll also affect everything else— from how your clothes fit to how you move.

When your chest matches your body, you’ll feel more comfortable and confident. It’s worth taking the time to get this right.

Decide on the Right Materials

The material used to make something seriously affects how people perceive it.

Think of the wax figures in Madame Tussauds.

Why didn’t they use foam or wood? Because they needed the right materials!


What’s the best material for a fake male chest? Silicone, duh! It’s the closest to real skin and muscles.

It looks, moves, and feels like real skin! The texture and weight are bonus points, too!

Foam is the most budget-friendly option. It’s light and breathable.

But like most for-budget things, you must sacrifice in exchange.

In this case, it’s the realism. Foam is in no way as authentic-looking as silicone.

Get Properly Fitted

Getting properly fitted is closely related to my first tip about proportions.

A fake male chest “properly” fits you if it hugs your body in all the right places.

There may be some snug areas, but these zones will be stretched and become more comfortable when you move around.

It’s kinda like a new pair of shoes, in a way.


It’s not good to guesstimate your measurements, though.

If you want your fake male chest to truly look natural, you’ll prefer getting properly fitted if the manufacturer offers that service.

If this isn’t possible, look for custom work options where you can request adjustments. Outside of the manufacturer’s services, you can:

  • Trim the edges for a smoother fake-to-real chest transition
  • Use adhesives to ensure your fake male chest stays in place

Don’t mind if you feel like you’re being too meticulous about these adjustments.

You actually need to be as fussy as you can during this process!

If you don’t trust your own judgment when it comes to fitting (like me), go DM experts.

There are also lots of YT tutorial vids you can consume about fitting techniques.

These experts can give insights and tips that otherwise won’t even cross your mind.

Amplify Realism with Visuals

The human eye is a marvel. But it’s quite easy to trick! Some things that we thought were “natural” actually ended up not being a product of Mother Earth.

I consider makeup as modern witchery, as do most in the modern era.

The phrase “girls deceive with makeup” had circulated quite recently.

This quote came along with video compilations of women becoming unrecognizable once they do their makeup magic.


I say, as a gay man and cosplayer, to learn this magic for myself and enjoy the instant transformation!

Here’s what I learned— makeup and contouring will take your fake male chest game to the next level.

Adding shadows and highlights to mimic the body’s depths and highs is a subtle eye trick that has been used since the beginning of time.

It’s especially useful for photoshoots where you can control lighting and angles!

For best results, practice using your brush and art in different lighting conditions.

What looks good in strobe lighting might need some tweaking under natural lights.

The more you practice, the better you’ll get at making your chest look natural!

How To Blend Natural and Fake Chest

Your fake male chest should seamlessly bleed into your natural chest.

You can also use makeup for this one.

The goal is to match the color and texture of your fake chest to your skin.

Check for any visible lines or mismatched shades.

Experimenting with different products and techniques will help you find what works best.

Over time, you’ll develop a routine that makes blending second nature.


To guarantee your fake chest won’t move around, you can use adhesives.

But if adhesives seem too troublesome or if you have sensitive skin, go buy a full silicone muscle suit!

Depending on where you plan to use it, you can buy:

Pick Fitting Clothing

Another top trick is to pick fitted clothes. Not too fitted that your fake male chest’s ridges are very, very obvious. Choose those that give off a hint of what’s under the fabric! Shop for clothes flatter your body type and strategically hides the edges of your fake chest.

Clothing Tricks

More clothing hacks to blend your fake male chest into your outfits:



  1. Wear asnug undershirt or camisole for a smooth base. Look out for any any uneven lines or bumps.
  2. Use layering to add depth and disguise flaws. Jackets, vests, and scarves are witty choices.
  3. If you needed added support, go with structured fabrics. Aside from denim,fabrics used in suits are great bets.
  4. Go for darker hues to minimize visibility. Darker hues like black, navy, or dark gray tend to conceal shadows and lines better. This will make your fake male chest less noticeable.
  5. Experiment with patterns to draw attention away. Patterns such as stripes, checks, or florals can divert the eye. It’ll make it less likely for others to notice any inconsistencies.
  6. Stock on some fashion tape. Fashion tape keep clothing in place and prevent any wardrobe malfunctions. It’s especially useful for securing cloth fringes that hide your fake male chest’s edges.
  7. Accessorize to throw off the eyes! Layered necklaces, bangles, and belts are nice distractions.

Remember that your goal is to make others go “Oh wow, what a chest!” but to never let them think “…is that real?” It’s a balanced display of showing off and not giving your secret away!

Boost Your Confidence

All these tricks will do nothing if you’re not confident in how you wear and own your fake male muscles!

When you’re sure of yourself, people are less likely to notice anything amiss.

Confidence is also very attractive, so that’s a huge plus, right?


No matter the reason you got a fake male chest, it’s just one part of who you are.

Own it and mesh it into your personality. The more comfortable you are, the more natural anything will look.

Confidence not only makes you more dapper. It’s also adding a hundred points to your sex appeal.

When you feel good about yourself, the rest of the world will feel it!

Maintain Your Fake Chest

Investing in a high-quality fake chest is worth it.

While it might be costly, you’ll agree that the benefits compensate for the initial expense.

The biggest takeaway here is the most natural-looking fake male chest is one that’s of top-tier quality.

fake chest

Now, high-quality pieces will last longer.

But if you don’t care for them the right way, they won’t stand a chance!

Fake male chests are easy to maintain anyway, so you don’t have any reason to skip regular cleaning and proper storage!

Follow the manufacturer’s other care instructions if there are any.

Doing this will ensure it stays looking great.

As long as you continue maintaining it, your fake male chest will keep its natural appearance.

Treat it well, and it will serve you well!


It’s not impossible to make your fake male chest look natural.

All you need is the right techniques and tricks!

There are many other schemes you can use to make your fake chest look authentic.


Continue your experimenting and find out what works best for you and your routine.

Don’t shy away from new methods either.

Your end goal is to feel comfortable and confident.

With the tips and tricks I shared here, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of a natural-looking fake chest!