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“Hey, I wanna eat you out.” That’s not exactly something you hear about every day. But my bf had been saying it out loud for the last couple of weeks. At first, I thought he was just joking, and he was. But when he realized I kinda thought about it, he started teasing me to let him do it. He would poke his tongue out in the air and swirl it around when he knew I was looking, you know? Just seeing him do that in the air was enough to make my knees go weak. So, I was like— hell, let’s do it! Letting him eat me out was hands down, one of my best experiences. No cap. So why not share the magic of gay rimming with you’ll? Why keep all this fun to ourselves?



Gay Rimming: A Game-Changer




Gay rimming or analogues is just what you know it as: using the mouth, lips, and tongue to stimulate the anus. It’s often part of foreplay that’s so arousing and pleasurable for both licker and lickee.

And guess what? Rimming isn’t just for gay men— hetero couples enjoy it too. Everybody’s doing it!

Why It’s Popular

But why is everybody doing it? Imma be a scientist here for a minute— the anus is packed with nerve endings, making it a super sensitive area. Gentle licking, kissing, and sucking bring waves of pleasure you won’t be able to describe unless you’ve felt it yourself.

Plus, hey, you don’t just let anyone near your ass— so gay rimming is a nice trust and intimacy-building activity.

The Universality of Rimming

As I said, rimming isn’t just a “gay thing.” Many straight couples have it in their naughty programs. analogues cut across sexual orientation— it’s more about the mutual pleasure and connection it brings. So, whether you’re gay, straight, or somewhere in between, rimming is a delightful addition to your sex life.

Gay Rimming and Bad Rumors: Busting the Myths

Lemme, tell you reasons why some people are on the edge when it comes to gay rimming.

Misconception #1: It’s Dirty




Depends— what kind of dirty are we talking about anyway? Yes, the anus is involved, but who said it can’t be clean? Proper hygiene is taught for a reason! It can be as clean as any other part of your body.

A good, thorough wash with warm (not scalding hot) water is usually enough to make things fresh and ready for action. No soaps! For first-timers, get familiar with anal douching.

Misconception #2: It’s Dangerous




Uh, how? Sure, there may be some health considerations, but practicing safe sex means you keep it safe, duh. If you want to be super sure, use barriers like dental dams.  Just continue good hygiene (for both the mouth and the bum-bum).

Misconception #3: It’s Only for Young People

“Only the young and adventurous men can do gay rimming!” Says who? It’s so not true! People of all ages can do and enjoy rimming. It’s never too late to explore new ways of pleasure and intimacy with your papi!

Gay Rimming: Pre-Game Prep

You might see impromptu gay rimming in hentai or fake porn, but IRL, that just isn’t how it goes. Unless you want icky surprises.

Go Shower!


go shower


Pre-game means you need a nice, thorough shower. Like really get in there and make sure that place is all clean.

Some bots like to use enemas for that extra squeaky-clean feeling— but that’s totally up to you. The main thing is that both of you feel sure ’bout all the hygienics so you can be chill and focus on the sexy stuff!

Get in the Mood

After all that cleaning, set the mood! When I finally agreed to my boyfriend eating me out, he knew I did a lot of effort with all that learning and cleaning so he put it on himself to create the right vibes. He lit some candles, put on our fave thrusting playlist, and made sure I was relaxed.


get in the mood


We already talked about what we wanted to get out of this gay rimming experience, so we jumped right into foreplay. But for you— you still need to chatter about limits and all that good stuff, alright? You and your papi have to be on the same page, so don’t skip the talk!

Learn the Ropes

New to rimming? Don’t stress. There are plenty of ways to learn. What I did first was watch live gay porn (thanks gay OnlyFans) to have some pointers. Just remember, it can be a bit over the top and doesn’t always show what real life is like. Even vids with “homemade gay porn” or “real gay couple” in the title can just be for clickbait.




Notice I said “live gay porn” cause animations like hentai and 3Ds won’t cut it. Though they work if you just plan to masturbate, they fall short on showing you the realities of what to expect in actual gay rimming.

Other things you can do to learn more about it:

  • Read articles about rimming (it doesn’t have to be specifically gay rimming.)
  • Ask on forums or read answers from previous posters about rimming.
  • Ask your gay friends who already tried it and get some pointers.
  • If your papi already knows how to do it, let him lead you.
  • Attend kink events or play parties.

Gay Rimming: The Main Event




The main event will differ for the top and bot. Generally, the top (or licker) would start slow— some light kissing and licking around the area to warm things up. He should pay attention to the bot’s reactions and adjust what he’s doing.

He needs to use his mouth and your tongue to explore different pressure points and textures. When things are going well, he can plunge deeper and even slurp around the area.

The bot? The bot just needs to lie there like a good boy and don’t forget how to breathe!

Tips for an Amazing Experience




  1. Use Your Hands: For tops, when you’re giving it all you got, don’t just stick to your tongue! Hold those cheeks open nice and wide. And if you’re the one getting rimmed, grab onto your guy’s muscly arms— squeeze ’em hard to let him know you’re loving it as much as he does. Pull on his hair too (gently) to add that nice scalp sensation. It shows him that you want more, and he’ll give you just what you want.
  2. Switch Up Your Moves: You can’t just keep doing the same thing. I mean you can, but it’s best to mix it up! Do some circles with your tongue, flick it a bit, and try different pressures. See what drives your bot wild and stick with it. Aim to make him thrash around with pleasure.
  3. Stay in the Moment: This is key. Forget about everything else and just focus on what you’re feeling. The closer you feel to your papi, the better it gets. Feel every single lick and slurp, and let yourself get lost in the moment!

Communicate and Adjust


communicate and adjust


Talk to each other! Ask your top or bot if he’s liking it. If he’s into something, keep doing it. If he’s not, go for the next move. The more you chat, the more awesome it gets for both of you. Just go with the flow and enjoy every second.

In the end, gay rimming can be insanely hot and intimate if you let it. So, go ahead and dive in, literally. Have fun, and get messy!

Gay Rimming: Post-Game

Expect to feel a range of emotions from exhilaration to relaxation after gay rimming. The feeling is the same even if you didn’t get to cum.

Some gays will naturally move to other adult activities like penetrative or oral sex. Others, like newcomers (pun intended), might just want to cuddle and bask in the afterglow. Whatever you want to do next, just be sure to talk about it.

Heading Toward Orgasm




For some queers, rimming alone can lead to orgasm, especially when combined with other forms of stimulation. For others, it might be the perfect lead-in to more intense sexual activities. Either way, the focus should be on mutual pleasure and satisfaction.


Aftercare Tips




  1. Drink some water to stay hydrated.
  2. Use gentle wipes or take a quick shower if you’re feeling sticky. Have another round in the shower if you’re up for it!
  3. Spend some quiet time together to reconnect and enjoy the intimacy you’ve shared.