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Have you ever seen a picture or a video of a toned guy and said to yourself, “You know what” I think I can pull this off too. Well before you go on about strategizing your muscle development plan we have an answer that serves as a perfect solution for what you wish. Just before you have your permanent fix by gyming it out and chunking on those proteins, we can help you get your desired body. Muscle suits set you up for higher self-confidence and spicy sex scenes. They are a great medium for self-expression and gay sexuality. Set yourself up to make a statement and dress up with the body you can create for your happiness and for the admiration of all who will see. Muscles are masculine and having a good amount of them can make you more attractive. Trust us to tell you how you can accentuate your best body features and divert attention away from your undesirable features with a muscle suit.



How muscle suits empower self-expression

1. Enhancing your physique with style




In this case, we know that getting your muscle suit is the star of the show but then it will be a disappointing effort if you do not get the desired result. Muscle suits can greatly enhance your physique and there are a few ways to do that with style.

The first tip is to always choose suits with muscle definitions that are realistic and believable enough. The goal is to look buff but not obvious enough to be easily noticed if you choose to go about your basic daily activities with it. Only a correctly fitted muscle suit will set you up to walk out in style.

So, when making the conscious choice to elevate your style with muscle suits do so by looking out for your comfort, and a good fit and paying attention to the muscle definition style.

2. Redefining beauty standards and body image


body image


Big, tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, brown eyes, the only standard that should exist is what looks good to you when you stand in front of the mirror. The power to define beauty standards is in your hands and you let the world know those standards by how you choose to present yourself.

Muscle suits are a major fashion statement and a creative medium for self-expression. You can be anyone you choose to be. Muscle suits allow you to hide away the body parts you’re most insecure about and replace them with what looks good to you. That in itself is a great confidence booster.

If you look how you’ve always envisioned then you’ll be confident enough to take on everything else that comes your way. Challenge the norm and be who you want to be.

Choosing the Perfect Muscle Suit

Within the gay community muscle suits have become quite a popular trend and we believe it is because of what gay men stand for. They are the voices for self-expression and diversity. It’s no wonder muscle suits have become a fast-pacing trend. If you’ve decided to jump on this bandwagon then you have to do it right. Here are a few questions that will help you point in the right direction of choosing your muscle suit.




  1. How do you intend to use your muscle suit?
  2. What level of muscle definition are you looking to get?
  3. Does your intended use require realistic body suits or not?
  4. Will you be wearing your muscle suit for long hours at a stretch?
  5. What is your budget?

Answers to these questions will help you choose the perfect muscle suit for you and of course, depending on your medium of purchase there are always experts to guide you.

Identifying your style goals


identifying your style goals


Aesthetics and style go hand in hand. Your choice of muscle suit should ideally not stray too far away from your regular choice of clothing and fashion interests. Aside from the obvious reason of having to spend extra cash on a few new sets of clothing, your goal is to stay as authentic as possible. Exceptions exist for men who are out for a complete makeover.

If you’re looking to have toned ab then an upper body muscle suit designed for the chest and abs is what you should go for. Other styles include Muscled pants and a full-body muscle suit. Choosing what best caters to your needs is always the best option.


Ensuring comfort and ease of wear

The right, comfort and how easy a muscle suit is to wear should be a top priority when purchasing one. You should look to eliminate discomfort as much as possible. Manufacturers often have a chart for available measurement specifications for buyers to follow.




That is done to ensure that buyers make the right choice in selecting the right muscle suit for them. Also details such as the material in which the suit is made of are provided. Silicone comes up as the top recommended muscle suit material as it is realistic, breathable, flexible, and stretchy enough for easy wear.

Select a muscle suit that suits your specifications. With a silicone suit that fits, you can easily go about your day without fear of it being too stiff or looking awkward. Another thing to look out for is the manufacturer’s care instructions. Care materials should be easily accessible and should not include irritable chemicals.

Styling Tips to Maximize the Impact of Wearing a Muscle Suit

We have quite a list of styling options. These options were drawn from the muscle suit design concept and what customization choices have been most popular among our customer base.

  1. Styling with a chest harness


chest harness


We have a collection of chest harnesses that pair quite well with our upper-body muscle suit and it’s a bestseller. You can step in confidence and style with your identity as a gay man. We have a stylish collection of bulldog harnesses and universal harnesses for you to choose from. This goes well with an upper-body muscle suit.

  1. Styling with a male mask or headgear


male mask or head gear


To step out and make a bold statement you can choose to style your muscle suit with a monster mask, a leather fetish mask, or any other form of headgear of choice. This not only stands as a symbol of self-expression but also as an open declaration of gay sexuality. In appropriate settings, this can serve as a good invitation for sexual intimacies and pleasures.

  1. Layer outfits correctly


layering correctly


In situations where your muscle suit would be paired with other pieces of clothing, choose clothes that highlight the features of your body suit. You can choose to wear button-down T-shirts and shorts (in cases of a full-body muscle suit). All of your efforts would go unnoticed if you end up covering all of it beneath thick clothing.

  1. Choose the right skin tone

This sets you up for a more believable look in your muscle suit. You should also dress in colors that pair well with your overall skin tone.

Styling Tips for Harnesses


harnesses styling tips


1. Let your harness be the center of admiration by keeping it simple. Elaborate harness design can often stir up responses that don’t match what would be expected.

2. Stylishly color-match your harness with your outfit.

3. Layer your harness with other fashion accessories and items. Experiment with what works best for you.

Styling Tips for Male Masks

When pairing your muscle suit, you should take into consideration the audience you expect to encounter or the occasion. Male masks are considered more appropriate in certain places than others. Choose what suits the event.


silicone mask styling tips


From simple to extravagant, there is a place that’s most appropriate for all kinds. Lastly, the ultimate style consideration should be comfort. Make sure the mask you choose to wear is comfortable enough for the duration you intend to wear it.





Beyond its use as a masculine confidence boost, muscle suits have their role among gay men as a cosplay tool. It has heavily been fetishized and sexualized. Now you can find muscle suit designs with silicone penises and ass hole designs to enhance and spice up sex scenes among gay men.

Muscle suits are a staple symbol of self-expression, masculinity, and gay sexuality. Visit our website today to explore the many different muscle suit designs and other items to pair them with. You also get the chance to utilize our customization services when you purchase from us.