

The rope bunny isn’t a rabbit at all — it’s the term kinksters use for bondage subs. You know, those with the intricate rope patterns hugging their curves and abs, sometimes biting into their skin? In this article, let’s talk about the rope bunnies and their contribution to the world of BDSM, specifically in the art of Shibari.



What or Who Is a Rope Bunny?




A rope bunny is a person who enjoys being tied up. Many consider it an affectionate term, as they can also be called rope bottoms or rope subs. Bondage classes can refer to rope bunnies as demonstrative models. Rope bunnies can be men, women, and everything between and beyond.

So… why is it called a rope bunny? Why not another cute term, like a rope hamster or rope axolotl? There’s really no one explanation, but through my interaction with bondage enthusiasts, I found two answers:




  • When a bottom is tied up and can’t scratch an itchy nose, he’ll look like a bunny while trying to do it — a scrunched-up nose, wiggling nostrils, etc.
  • When hunters hunt for food, they often catch bunnies (baby rabbits) and tie them up.

Do what you want with that information, but in BDSM, rope bunnies are the subs who freely give over their power to the rigger or rope top.

Shibari and the Rope Bunny




Shibari is an ancient Japanese rope technique for seizing captured criminals. Now, it’s famed as an intricate form of sensual play and art. Ropes and how they are presented via complicated but delicate tying and tugging are, of course, the star of the show.

However, these knots and patterns will not be as impactful if not seen wrapped around a human body. Thus, a rope bunny is just as crucial in Shibari.

Why Be a Rope Bunny?

Rope bunnies are the highlight of any bondage art, especially in Shibari, where rope and knots become a medium of self-expression. Ropes are the paint, and rope bunnies’ bodies are the canvas people admire and appreciate.




With that said, being a rope bunny is for you if:

  • You want to let go of your daily social struggles and pressures and let a craftsman maneuver your body.
  • You enjoy feeling rope burns on your skin and maybe even how it looks.
  • You want to be a part of a living, breathing art.
  • You enjoy being restrained and manhandled by the rigger.
  • You want to try BDSM bondage and all its wide range of possibilities.
  • You always want to be surprised by how your body can be contorted and used.
  • You want to support your rigger partner.

There are no right or wrong reasons why you may want to be a rope bunny. In the most straightforward answer of all, a rope bunny position is a great way to introduce anyone to bondage. All you’ll have to know is the risks that may come with particular bondage play (which is not many if it’s not complex).

How to Start as a Rope Bunny

If you’re keen on being a dedicated rope bunny, I suggest learning more about it first. Sure, Shibari is alluring and very visually pleasing. But it’s more than just aesthetics.

As a rope bunny, you may think all you’ll need to do is sit or stand or be suspended in the air and let the rigger take care of you. But that is not the case.




The rope bunny is still responsible for knowing at least the basics of Shibari before agreeing to play a part in a Shibari bondage scene. There are exceptions, of course, such as when a rope bunny is led by an experienced rigger who proposes to help him learn.

Or if the rope bunny hopeful attends a Shibari class and is asked to assist in the presentation. Unless you’re with a professional rigger, don’t let yourself be the practice doll of anyone, especially if the ropes will enclose your whole body.




Your first steps as a rope bunny should be:

  • Reading what you can about rope bunnies and their duties.
  • Watching related videos online.
  • Following some basic knots and patterns tutorials.
  • Engaging with Shibari enthusiasts and being aware of their experiences.
  • Attending a Shibari masterclass, if possible.

What if I have previous experience as a Rope Bunny?

An amateur, even an intermediate rope bunny, will still need to adhere to the bondage play’s expectations. Learning the theory is not enough. A rope bunny should engage with the actual ropes. Start with tying some basic knots on yourself, like your thigh or your feet.




Be familiar with the feel of various rope types (Shibari often uses jute), then choose what you like the most.

When you’re ready to work with a rigger, be sure to discuss with him what type of bondage you’ll be in. This is to aid the rope bunny in preparing.

  • It will help the rope body identify which position his body is expected to be in.
  • The sub can do the appropriate stretches he needs for the Shibari.
  • The rope bunny can address any concerns or doubts in advance with the rigger and adjust accordingly.

Rope Bunny Safety

Safety should be prioritized by both riggers and rope bunnies. But more than what you’ve learned and a pair of scissors nearby, what else do you need to ensure your safety?

Open communication




Talk, talk, and talk some more with your top. If he can’t explain the play to you or how a certain knot works, he may not be as experienced as he says.


You can stop being a rope bunny anytime, especially if you feel uneasy. Agree on a safeword beforehand.

Hard and Soft Limits

Do you want rough sex while you’re tied up and suspended? Or does it make you dizzy and want to vomit? Tell your rigger everything you’re worried about, and also listen to his anxieties to find a common ground.




Physical limitations

Even professional rope bunnies do their best to keep their bodies in top condition. I don’t mean having an eight-pack abs muscle or bulging biceps.

You can be a rope bunny in any size or shape as long as the rigger can find appropriate knots and patterns for you.

But the rigger can’t help you be flexible (moldable, if you will) if you don’t stretch regularly.




Emotional limitations

A rope bunny is defenseless against everything when he’s roped. There’s a level of emotional vulnerability that comes with bondage play.

Beware of safety hazards

Check if the rope can be cut by the scissors you have. Ask if the poles where you’ll be suspended are stable. Confirm every prop and item in the play to avoid injury or accidents.

Rewards of Being a Rope Bunny

Of course, you shall be rewarded for your efforts in learning Shibari and desiring to be bound:




  • Endorphins and adrenaline: Aka the “rope space,” where the rope bunny feels the risk of happy hormones triggered by feeling pleasure.
  • Deeper bond with the rigger: How can you not feel more connected with the person you trust the most during Shibari sessions?
  • Artistic channel of self-expression: As I previously mentioned — you become a living art.
  • Empowerment and confidence: It might sound ironic to say a rope bunny will feel liberated when he’s tied up, but you’ll realize this once you’re up there, suspended in the air, admired by your rigger and others who savor how your body seamlessly complements the ropes and elevates the knots.

Challenges of Being a Rope Bunny

No risks, no rewards — that also applies to being a rope bunny.

Here are some difficulties you may encounter:

Finding the right riggers

If you’re not connected with an experienced rigger, finding one that suits you is a challenge. Your rope bunny role is greatly impacted by the person handling the knots and your safety during sessions.

Physical strain

Each of us has varying degrees of flexibility and physical abilities. You may want to do a certain Shibari tie, but your body may not agree.




Communication error

A rigger may completely misunderstand you, and it happens to the best of us. The only question is who you are willing to bear these errors with.

Willingness to be vulnerable

It’s easy for a rope bunny to connect to a rigger with whom they’ve shared intimate moments before. But it will be hard for a solo rope bunny, or anyone really, to open themselves up to anyone they don’t trust on a profound level.




Other safety worries

There will always be a lingering worry at the back of a rope bunny’s mind. This is expected as even if you wear protective gear, you still don’t have full control of your body in Shibari.