Uncover creative tricks to generate realistic fake nudes. Create convincing photos without stepping out of your comfort zone or crossing boundaries!The Best 5 Tricks To Make Deep Fake Nudes

About Fake Nudes

Dating in 2024 sure is not a walk in the park — literally. Gone are the days when you could just walk up to someone and ask them out on a date. Oh no, today, there are hundreds of dating jargon and confusing signals you need to navigate.

But you know what didn’t change? Being attracted at first glance! This is especially true when you’re using online dating apps. Let’s get real: a nice personality is all good and dandy — but would you swipe right to someone you’re not attracted to physically? Don’t lie!

About Fake Nudes

Of course, one can spark attraction with a great photograph. But after the hi-hellos come the sexting, then the nudes. But not everyone’s comfortable baring it all for the camera. Heck, some of us even struggle to take a decent selfie! That’s where fake nudes come into play.

For the uninitiated, fake nudes aren’t about catfishing or deceit. Some opt to create fake nudes of themselves to feel more confident and to sway a potential partner who may be just looking for a good time. Plus, with the dating game as tough as it is, who wouldn’t want to add a little razzle-dazzle?

Before We Start

Let’s lay down some hard ground rules first. First and foremost, this tutorial on creating fake nudes is intended for use with your photos. We’re all for a bit of harmless fun, but crossing into the realm of using others’ images without consent is a big no-no. And, quite frankly, it’s a legal time bomb waiting to explode.

hard ground rules

· Always double-check that the recipient of the fake nudes is okay with it. We’re not just talking about legality here. Consider the person on the other end to respect their boundaries. Don’t just send these pics willy-nilly. Consent is sexy, remember?

· We repeat — don’t use this guide as a Machiavellian tool to deceive or manipulate others. These tricks are to help you feel more at home in your skin, not for malice or mischief.

· Laws about creating and sharing fake nudes vary wildly from place to place, so get familiar with your local regulations. In some places, it’s a grey area; in others, it’s a one-way ticket to legalese hell. So, do yourself a favor and stay on the right side of the law.

With great power comes great responsibility. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun while being responsible. So, let’s jump to naughty, spicy stuff next!

Trick 1: Take Advantage of AI

What’s more obvious than using AI (artificial intelligence — but we know you already know that) for your fake nudes? Everyone’s doing it to get fake yearbook photos or throwback pic. So, how different is it really to paste your face on someone else’s body?

But first, have you ever wondered how AI works? It actually depends on the software, generators, and how they’re trained. These generators work using a type of AI known to many as a Generative Adversarial Network, or GAN. Forgive my Tech for Dummies 101 interpretation. I gather that GAN is an AI model trained to generate realistic content. The things these guys generate are so close to the real thing that it’s almost indistinguishable from the real-world data.

Take Advantage of AI

Notice that italicized “almost”? We emphasize it because AI, at least at this time, is not yet perfect. There will be photo results that look wonky, physically impossible, or just plain uncanny valley.

Still, today, there are already a number of AI apps that offer this service, and more will just come out in the future — we’re sure of it. Some are  Undress.cc, PornX AI, and Promptchan. These apps simply ask you to upload a picture, select the desired effect, and let the AI do the rest.

After a few moments, it will present a realistic rendering of the uploaded image as a fake nude. Generally, these apps are easy to use. That’s what makes them fun and convenient — sometimes scary if used by someone with bad intentions.

Create AI Porn

Trick 2: Invest in Muscle Suits

Well, muscle suits aren’t exactly “fake,” but you’d be surprised how they can give those AI nudes a run for their money. Here are a few instances where these products come in:

· Want to draw eyes like a magnet? Nothing screams “Check me out!” louder than a sneak peek of chiseled abs and a colossal package. Sure, you may not be the proud owner of these in reality, but if you’re wading into the thrilling waters of virtual sexting, muscle suits are your most powerful secret weapon.

· Entering panic mode because you don’t have your AI-generated nudes handy in real life? No need to panic! A muscle suit with an anal hole might just be the plot twist you need. Keep your clothes on and carry on with your steamy rendezvous without a hitch.

Trick 2: Invest in Muscle Suits-1

· Craving to flaunt bulging biceps and robust thighs? Then go for a tough guy muscle suit combo. It’s like having your cake and eating it too!

· And if you’ve got the wild streak in you or prefer to keep your identity under wraps, pairings with silicone masks have got you covered. Opt for the Cow/Bull muscle suit combo and enjoy the best of both worlds.

Trick 2: Invest in Muscle Suits-2

In the wild world of fake nudes, it’s all about playing your cards right and keeping the mystery alive. And hey, who said fake has to be a bad word? With these muscle suits, you’re not just fake — you’re very fake!

Tricks 3: Discover Makeup

Makeup isn’t just for the face — why do you think it’s a constant in any professional photoshoot? In the realm of illusion and manmade magic, makeup is not just a cosmetic wonder. It’s a tool of disguise and highlight that could turn the tide in your favor.

· You’ve seen the Kardashians do it; now it’s your turn. Sculpt those abs, make those biceps bulge, or add a dash of shadow to that jawline. It’s all about the play of light and shade!

· Want to take it up a notch? Use body shimmer or oil for an added element of realism. This trick can give your muscles a sweaty, worked-out look that, dare we say, is delicious and very, very hard to resist.

· Do you have some scars, tattoos, or birthmarks you don’t want in your fake nudes? Time to bring out the concealer! Just blend it well, and ta-dah! Your skin is as smooth as a baby’s.

· Of course, it’s crucial to make sure your makeup colors match your tone. It’s critical for consistency and realism.

Trick 3: Discover Makeup

In the game of fake nudes, every little detail counts. So, grab that makeup kit and start experimenting; your perfect deep fake look is waiting for you!

Tricks 4: Master the Art of Photoshop

Now that we’re focused on the virtual realm, let’s use every virtual tech we have in our arsenal. How can we not talk about Photoshop in this regard? It’s a godsend — not just for us in the fake nude game, but for almost everyone who wants to change a pixel or two.

But just like any powerful tool, it can be a disaster when used wrong. So, labor to get it right. First, get familiar with the basics — crop, adjust lighting, and color correction. These little tweaks make a massive difference in the overall look of your pics.

I grapple with the Liquify tool. It’s either my best friend or my worst enemy — there is no in-between! A slight nudge here, a little push there… If I do well, I can have a natural-looking snatched waist and popping booty. The keyword here is “natural-looking” — don’t overdo your edits, lest you want to end up on r/InstagramReality.

Master the Art of Photoshop

Tricks 5: Find Your Best Angles

Let’s not forget the oldest and most reliable trick out there — right angles! Plus, points if you get the right lighting. Finding your best angles gives you a full advantage in the 2D realm. You won’t fidget or panic whenever a camera is in your face. It’s the difference between a good fake nude and a great one.

Trick 5: Find Your Best Angles

But how do you find it? Pose, practice, and do it all again! Stand in front of the mirror, experiment with different poses and lighting — leave your shyness at the door. Try the classic over-the-shoulder shot, the strategic mirror selfie, or the laid-back-in-bed look.

Find what makes you feel good and what makes you look good. When you’ve found it — and trust me, you will — exploit it to the max! The perfect angle can make your assets look so real. You just have to prepare for endless notifications from your dating apps’ matches!